July 15, 2004

A man of soul

Hey, didja know that John Ashcroft, in addition to being an untrustworthy Attorney General, is also a singer-songwriter?
John Ashcroft's stirring performance of "Let the Eagle Soar"

It's, uh, a really moving performance. I've transcribed the lyrics below.

Let the Eagle Soar (C) 1997 John Ashcroft
Let the eagle soar

Like she's never soared before
From rocky coast to golden shore
Let the mighty eagle soar

Soar with healing in her wings
As the land beneath her sings
Only God, no other kings
Let the mighty eagle soar

This country's far too young to die
Though she's cried a bit for what we've put her through
She's soared above the lifted lamp that guards sweet freedom's door
In the dews the damps the watchfires of a nation torn by war
She's far too young too die
You can see it in her eye
She's not yet begun to fly
It's time to let the mighty eagle soar
"I am a lonely visitor; I came too late to cause a stir, though I've campaigned all my life towards that goal."
Neil Young said that, or something like that.


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